Are you in a perpetual fix about a never-ending debate going on among health enthusiasts: Dairy vs non-dairy yogurt? There are many reasons for going dairy-free – lactose intolerance leading to digestive troubles and other health concerns, animal welfare, environmental impacts, etc. Whatever the reason, people have found a solid alternative in plant-based dairy products, […]
Author: elena_01
How Primary Care Physicians Serve Orange County: Roles and Duties
A primary care physician, also known as a family doctor, is a healthcare professional who is trained in the domain of general medicine. Hence, a primary care physician or PCP is the first echelon of the medical care we seek whenever we are unwell. Physician assistants and nurse practitioners can also function as primary care […]
Know 5 Amazing Health Benefits of Broccoli Sprout Extract
The broccoli sprout extract is prepared from the young plant broccoli, which means that broccoli sprout extract contains a high amount of sulforaphane compared to matured broccoli. This sulforaphane is a compound that contributes to the enhanced benefits of broccoli sprouts. Due to this chemical compound, broccoli sprout extracts are often utilized in the form […]